DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this website are just that- opinions- and are not to be considered best practices or instruction of any sort. Plastic recycling is hazardous. Risks include cuts, burns, and especially lung damage from toxic fumes resulting from heating plastic of unknown origin. Further, we are not experts. This website is intended to share our experience only- proceed at your own risk.
We are a small group of volunteers who care about our environment. Most-but not all- live on Tybee Island, GA, a small island near Savannah. It's a sensitive ecosystem that sees large numbers visitors, and with those visitors comes large amounts of trash. We help clean it up. We're also concerned about the somewhat vague nature of our community recycling, so we decided to do something about it. Our plastic recycling workshop is a big part of that effort.
In a nutshell, we bought a DIY-style, open-source design plastic shredder and injection machine from The Sea Monkey project, along with a few dies, and started remelting and re-injecting single-use #5 plastics, transforming them into objects that- hopefully- stay out of the landfill, at least for awhile longer.
In a nutshell, we bought a DIY-style, open-source design plastic shredder and injection machine from The Sea Monkey project, along with a few dies, and started remelting and re-injecting single-use #5 plastics, transforming them into objects that- hopefully- stay out of the landfill, at least for awhile longer.